Here's why you can never trust gay penguins ...
Keepers have segregated the couple after they caught them trying to trick straight birds into parting with their offspring by placing round stones at their feet and then running off with an egg.
Experts at the Polarland Park in Harbin, north east China, say that despite being gay the three year old male birds are still driven by an urge to be dads.
Previously on Neatorama: Gay Penguins Say No Thanks to Females
Comments (22)
i'm sorry. there just arent.
i suppose this would be a universal moral value (that there arent any), but im okay with that flaw in my logic.
LOL. Well put.
Bigots chap my hide, especially when they hide behind religion.
And putting homosexuality on the same level as infanticide truly exposes the ignorance.
I think your God hates bigots more than he does a couple of boys or girls in love.
This is no different in humans.
(Well, except being older than 3... and I'm guessing most humans would not steal children.)
My dog will hump pillows, legs, male dogs, you name it.
Does that make him gay too?
I love the new politically correct world. It makes reality a lot more funny.
The last thing I am is PC. However, there are roughly 900 species that engage in clear homosexual and bisexual behavior.
As for your dog, humping is a dominance behavior for them, and not a gay one. They do not fall in with Bonobo apes, certain species of birds (including penguins), dolphins, etc...
It isn't PC to accept homosexuality. PC is an ugly concept that encourages hypocrisy. It's just a matter of not treating others as though they are somehow second class citizens for living their life in a way that doesn't conform to your world view.
Homosexuality has always been, and should always be, considered immoral! God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and steve!
For the record, I am not gay, nor do I kill babies, but neither do I feel that my beliefs, lifestyle, or morality is the only one that matters, which is exactly what is wrong with this supposedly moral anti-homosexual stance, which I am starting to believe comes from an overwhelming secret desire to see what goes on behind someone else's closed door and direct the action. Believe what you want, it's your right, but don't force it on others. That's what Iran is there for.
It doesn't matter what they "THINK"...It matters what IS moral or not!
Infanticide is immoral. Homosexuality is immoral. Murder is immoral. All are "natural".
I think your God hates bigots more than he does a couple of boys or girls in love.
LOL. Well put.
Bigots chap my hide, especially when they hide behind religion.
And putting homosexuality on the same level as infanticide truly exposes the ignorance.
i'm sorry. there just arent.
i suppose this would be a universal moral value (that there arent any), but im okay with that flaw in my logic.