The Global Warming Swimming Pool: Swimming Above a Submerged City

No, New York is not underwater (yet, anyhow) - that's a clever ad for HSBC by Ogilvy & Mather Mumbai ad agency in India. The bank wanted to raise awareness of the dangers of global warming, so the clever ad guys glued an aerial photo of a city's skyscrapers to the base of a swimming pool ... the effect of a submerged cityscape is fantastic!

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That thing is rad.

And for the record I believe the term used is climate change not global warming because some myopic idiots love to take things literally and then argue against them in literal terms. And before the kooks start babbling about cows farting and dirt (damn, too late)... there are natural components to our plant's ecosystem and then there are those that are not natural. For example, radiation occurs naturally so therefore you should not give a damn about a nuclear melt down or nuclear weapons right? Oh, wait, you do worry about those? I wonder why. Yeah we're not affecting the planet or the environment at all. Nope. Like I said. Kooks. I'm not saying that the earth is going to blow up tomorrow but saying "we're not doing squat, it's all a myth" is beyond terrible, it's asinine.

And speaking of myths, idiots and taking things literally - is it a coincidence that many of the same people who rail against climate change as a myth are also members of some "god" fearing group or another? Wowza! XD

A song comes to mind - Joseph Smith was called a prophet - dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb... (Insert any faith's corporeal representative).
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