
(Vimeo link)

Take a look at the G-speak spatial operating environment by Oblong.
Some of the SOE's core ideas are already familiar from the film Minority Report, whose characters performed forensic analysis using massive, gesturally driven displays. The similarity is no coincidence: one of Oblong's founders served as science advisor to Minority Report and based the design of those scenes directly on his earlier work at MIT.

It sure looks cool, but personally I don't understand the advantages of this system over typing or using a mouse. Link -Thanks, carfeimao!

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@ Miss Cellania

I think possible uses could be attributed to say the video game industry for interactive games. Like the Wii controller but much more complex. Then there are the potential uses in say the art world where people can interact with the displays or art pieces.
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@ Byrd Brain

Hahaha! :D

I would love to have this sort of system implemented in say large scale lecture rooms so the professor can manipulate objects and text on the fly as they walk around. Or even better would be if they added this for industrial purposes. All in all it's a neat idea worthy of being looked further into for potential uses.
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I wish to God people would quit trying to invent things to replace the keyboard and mouse. They, along with my graphic tablet and stylus have served me quite well for decades and will continue to do so.

I'm a graphic designer and if I had to stand up at my desk all day and wave my arms around like a symphony conductor, I'd be worn out after 10 minutes and have to go lay down.

Same goes for voice navigation too. I don't want to talk to anyone in my office while I'm working, so why the hell do people think I want to talk to my freakin' computer?
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