Image: Tor Myhren / Grey NYC via thecoolhunter
Grey NYC's Creative director Tor Myhren came up with this brilliant poster to bring into the forefront what a lot of people have been thinking of, but couldn't bring themselves to say in polite company: the issue of race in the 2008 US Presidential election.
Regardless of what you think of the candidates, I'm sure you can marvel at the photoshoppery of turning Obama and McCain into persons of another race: Link - via Miss Cellania
At a glance, we only had handful of (and not to mention, mild) political posts - so on the eve of this historic election, let me ask you this: what would you say to someone who's on the fence on either candidates? Why should I vote for Barack Obama or John McCain?
p.s.: nathan petrelli is gonna be the "potus" in heroes (: