This lamp by designer Jethro Macey requires you to insert a coin before it lights up.
Coin Lamp is the first product in a range based on the concept of values and reward, it subtly heightens awareness of consumption through design.
No need to be subtle about it. This is exactly what I need to teach my kids not to leave every light in the house on! Put these in every room, and you can use the coins to help pay for the electricity bill at the end of the month. -via the Presurfer
This lamp is a prototype I designed. It has an internal timer which can be set to a desired time period, After this time period the lamp automatically switches off.
To have a timer that reflects the cost of the electricity used would mean a 5 pence coin would light a standard 60 watt lightbulb for 9 hours (approx). Using an energy saving or LED lightbulb (I will be using one of these two types) would extend the length of the lamp being switched on dramatically. It's important to not only look at the financial costs of running a bulb constantly when not needed, but also the environmental costs.
I am currently working with a manufacturer and will be launching the final product soon.
Oh, I didn't know it was a switch - I thought it was more like a parking meter - a coin turns it on for a half hour or something...
The coin just acts like a switch? Dumb...
ill wait till they add a contactless payment feature.