Arrr! Every September 19th is Talk Like A Pirate Day! You can get up to speed by visiting the official site for holiday resources. See the pictures at Flickr. Read up on the history of the holiday. See how they celebrate in Australia, Britain, and around the world. Join the pirate discussion at Fark. See some music videos on piracy. Or look at pirate kittens. If you don't know how to talk like a pirate, try this handy translator. Arrrr! Uodate: There's even a commemoration on Mars!
(Techincally, it's no lnger TLaP Day, but I celebrate all 24 hours, and I wake up real late.)
Is it stupid? Yes. But who cares? It's fun!
(says a total ninja supporter)
(And guybrush- 'I can see a diorama of of all the children in the world, all happy and living in peace. No, wait')
On that belated note, I am off to make ye a Neatorama diorama.