Man Bellyflops Onto 12 Inch of Water from 35 Feet Up

If you think belly flopping from the side of the pool hurts, imagine doing it from high up. Waaay high up! Here is Darren "Professor Splash" Taylor's record-breaking high dive from 35 feet into just 12 inches of water. Kids, don't try this at home: Hit play or go to Link [YouTube]

And as if that's not bad ass enough, Darren will try to break his own world record by jumping from 40 feet next week on Jimmy Kimmel's TV show.

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@Ray: I dont know if the foam would do very much the way he jumps (flat). Water does not compress very well (at all...), so that is probably what actually stops him. The foam underneath is likely more of a precaution in case he does not land horizontally.
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"Jumping onto a foam pad that happens to have a layer of water on top of it" is a more accurate description. It would probably be easier without the water.
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