Photo: ccaviness [Flickr]
All that talk about obesity really makes me hungry, and what did I just find on the 'Net? This bright idea by Googlers in NYC to celebrate the head of the cafe staff. Behold the Krispy Kreme bacon cheddar cheeseburger!
Link - via Hopeless Geek
I take your point about getting annoyed by people assuming that because you're a yank you eat lard from a bucket.
No really I do take your point, I'm a Glaswegian,someone from Glasgow in Scotland, and we have the shortest life expectancy in the western world, the highest incidence for heart disease and about 30 different types of cancer.
We are a seriously unhealthy lot due to about 300 years of industry and a peculiar fatalism that infests the soul.
None of my grandparents made it out of their 60s, and that was considered a good innings.
No my grievance with the luther is not that it's fatty, hell we;re human beings and are genetically programmed to eat fats wherever and when ever we find them.
It was the idea of taking good quality ground beef and spices making a burger all flame grilled and delicious on the outside a little pink and juicy inside, topping it withgrilled cheese and cripy bacon...and sticking the poor blighter in a DONUT.
A Donut?
That's the bit that leaves me nauseous.
It's the USAmerican sugar addiction that I find repellent. Most folks like an ice cold Coke I know I do... except in the US, Coke for domestic consumption is markedly sweeter thn elsewhere. High Fructose corn syrup is cheaper than sugar , sweeter thn sugar and so you guys from the land of Coke can't get a Coke.
It's the sickening sweetness I find maddening.
I did also say up thread that I have no doubt there are great tings to eat in the US, hell I've eaten a lot of them and been as happy as a dog with 2 d*cks.
I just find sickly sweet a childish and polluting aspect of the US palette.
I wasn't defending it, trust me. I find the recent obsession with "Deep Fried _____" and "Seriously Unhealthy Vaguely Edible Crap" absolutely rank. I just get tired that people from another country instantly assume that every American is slobbering with Pavlovian glee over these heaping mounds of cardiac distress--and that we're the only country with an exclusive hold on high-fat-high-carb food. It doesn't help that such disgusting culinary "delights" seem to be--ahem--hogging the spotlight. But that's not the only kind of food we offer here.
I should have added the clarification that the image still makes me sick to my stomach to look at. I'd rather have a nice salad topped with lemon-poached chicken and homemade balsamic dressing, thanks.