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How a Dog Drinks
Ever wonder how exactly a dog drinks? Do you think that
the dog's tongue splashes water into its mouth? Jeff Lieberman of Discovery Channel's Time Warp uses a slow-motion
camera to find out the surprising answer: Link |
BLEVE: The Science Behind Massive Explosions
What happens when a tanker containing 30,000 gallons of boiling
liquid propane catches on fire? Here's a clip explaining the science
behind a BLEVE
(pronounced "blevvy") or "Boiling Liquid Expanding
Vapor Explosion": Link |
YouTube in 1985
What did YouTube look like way before the Interweb? Here's what
it looks like in 1985 ... A parody by Matt Koval:
Link |
ReWalk Exoskeleton Enables Paralyzed People to Walk Again
For the first time in 20 year, a 41-year-old paraplegic Radi Kaiof
can walk again, thanks to ReWalk, an exoskeleton invented by Dr.
Amit Goffer of Argo Medical Technologies. Here's a clip of ReWalk in action: Link |
Most Entertaining Boxer in History
OK, enough tech stuff. Now something different: here's the most
entertaining boxer in history, Emanuel
"YA" Augustus and his showboatin' ways! Link |
For more the web's most interesting videos, check out: VideoSift.
Ray 'Windmill' White was much more entertaining by far.
I would say he had the fight of the last century tied up.