Nazi TV

(YouTube link)

A clip of some rare and extremely creepy TV programming from Germany in the 1930s. For more, see an hour-length documentary on the subject, Television Under the Swastika. -via Metafilter

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omfg amreican and nazi scum O_o run!! the teddiz are comeing my god your all under mind control getz away from ze computar =o the undead nazi and fallen amrecanas are comeing russia run fur yur life!!!!!!!!!! but damn was tat nazi hot i caint spellz!!!!
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Isn't it ironic that such'liberal'and tolerant people can become so nasty and ignorant about Germany.The Nazi TV is a fascinating technological artifact.A serious anti-smoking and fitness program,as well as the Volkswagen came out of the Strengh through Joy program.There was nothing ominous in "The Concert Camps',it was a place to go and learn about music,and instruments particularly for people of low income.Sorry,nothing gory for the American fools who excpect to see thngs like the Allied fire bombing of Germany,the nuing of Japan,napalming of Vietnam,and destruction of Bagdad.Examine yourself before being so snide and stupid.
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