The Biggest, Baddest Sinkholes on Earth

One day you're minding your own business ... and the next day the earth opens up and swallows your home - literally!

WebEcoist lists 13 of the biggest, strangest, and most devastating sinkholes on Earth. The one on the left is in Guatemala City:

Residents of a Guatemala City heard strange rumblings for weeks but weren’t sure what was happening beneath them. Then, in late February 2007, a near-perfect circle of earth dropped some 30 stories almost instantly. It’s amazing how neat the hole is. Two people died and over 1,000 had to be evacuated; the sinkhole resulted from a corroded sewage system deep beneath the surface (apparently the odor coming from the hole was intolerable).


(Photo: Reuters/STR New)

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"i wonder if they celebrate ’sink hole de mayo’? am i right people?! am i right?!"

lol. I'm from Miami...havn't seen a sinkhole. and I'm not Mexican so I dont celebrate Cinco de Mayo. lol.
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I live in Guatemala City. They think the hole happened from a earthquake that happened weeks before that broke a sewer main. After weeks of erosion from below, suddenly one night everything collapsed.

Parts of Guatemala Ciry are nice. And the country is beautiful.
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