Caption Monkey 38: Another Satisfied Customer!

Image found via Miss Cellania.

Yay! It's time for our weekly Neatorama and Hobotopia's Caption Monkey game!

The funniest caption will win an original Laugh-Out-Loud comic by Adam "Ape Lad" Koford. Contest rules are simple: place your caption in the comment section (one caption per comment, please - but you can submit as many as you can think of).

Be sure to visit Adam's blog for some inspiration and good luck!

Update 8/13/08 - congratulations to Jacoby87 who won with "Honey, Big Belly Deli's reopened. That's right. Bring me my lucky sweatpants."

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Roger, plagued for years with excessive self-esteem, followed his doctor's orders to stand one hour a day outside the one place where he knew he'd be the butt of every Internet hipster's keen wit and bile. It was cheaper than meds, but he missed his lunch hour.
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Huh, so because you get slammed for racial, gender, haircolor, and similar jokes, you go and spew your bile at the last thing you can discriminate against.

Bet you feel powerful now eh?

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