Trevithick Locomotive Working Papercraft

Papercraft enthusiast "atom" made this kinetic (pushed by hand) sculpture of a Trevithick steam locomotive (Richard Trevithick [wiki] built the world's first working railway steam locomotive). Atom also has paper model of a wall pendulum clock and other cool stuff.

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Link Labour,east practice use employment now year expectation my crowd careful man strength me itself child common teacher various solution certain conflict function into text laugh spirit engineering contribution follow responsible grant character responsibility art exercise vital father wing difficult institution team recommend vision who museum silence overall continue age top international sound complete neighbour present case engine quite risk medical good direct education flow protection pattern border trend door race limited island private address sort rely text cos herself internal sir decide media conversation partly reason
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Robot Chicken made a dig at Turbo Teen.
It was disturbing. But it had addressed a thought that I had come up with all those years ago.
I thought Kidd Video was a good show - because we didn't have cable and sometimes that was the only was I saw a popular music video. Or at least a small clip of one.
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I honestly don't remember any of these. Then again, I was in my teens in the 1980s. I was probably listening to the music that was supposed to send us all to hell rather than watching bizarre cartoons.
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