Duck Darwin Awards

Office work came to a stop when it was time for ten baby ducklings to leave the nest.
"Something really amazing happened in Downtown Spokane this week and I had to share the story with you. [My colleague] Joel is a loan officer at Sterling [Savings] Bank. He works downtown in a second story office building, overlooking busy Riverside Avenue. Several weeks ago he watched a mother duck choose the cement awning outside his window as the uncanny place to build a nest above the sidewalk."

To get to the river, the ducklings had to fall ten feet, then cross two blocks of busy streets and sidewalks! Bank employees helped them out and took pictures, too. Link -via Cynical-C

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Here in Alaska, we have Duck Crossing signs in some places, and I've actually seen miles of traffic come to a stop so a mother duck and her babies could cross the road. Amazingly, it was right in front of a Duck Crossing sign, too.
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Love the fact that the mother duck felt absolutely no concern with a bunch of humans handling and moving her ducklings about. Darn it mother duck! Take some responsibility!
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