Scott Wade, "dirty car" artist featured before on Neatorama, has got some new artwork posted on his website:
Like any reasonably creative and curious human, Scott can't resist a dirty rear car window. We suspect that Scott started off with clever sayings, like, "wash me." Probably his first image was the ubiquitous smiley face. Unlike most folks, however, Scott lives on a mile and a half of dirt road - caliche, as the locals call it, road-base: a blend of limestone dust and gravel and clay. Driving over this surface results in a fine, white dust that billows up behind any vehicle driven faster than a galloping turtle, coating the rear window. Being an experienced artist (and let's face it, a little ... different), it wasn't long before Scott was experimenting with techniques to achieve these amazingly detailed and shaded drawings.
Comments (2)
Dave Donelson, author of Heart of Diamonds