Calorie Lab's Fattest States rankings for 2008 are out, and Mississippi is number one for the third year in a row. Colorado has the smallest percentage of obese people.
West Virginia passed Alabama to become the second fattest state in 2008. The four states of Mississippi, West Virginia, Alabama, and Louisiana have obese populations that exceed 30 percent over a three-year average and two-thirds of the citizens of Mississippi and West Virginia were either overweight or obese by CDC standards in 2007.
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Giving your kids snack cakes and soda vs giving them fruit with peanut butter and a glass of water is a no-brainer. Personal responsibility means considering long-term health. That's something that people are capable of doing regardless of income.
I'm a little surprised at CO's ranking in that there are more pedestrian friendly places out there and driving alot isn't going to burn many calories.