Japan to Market Robotic Girlfriend to Lonely Men

Lonely men, listen up: Japan (who else?) has come to your rescue by introducing EMA (Eternal Maiden Actualisation) robot that can be your girlfriend:

A Japanese firm has produced a 15-inch tall robotic girlfriend that kisses on command, to go on sale in September for around $175, with a target market of lonely adult men.

Using her infrared sensors and battery power, the diminutive damsel named "EMA" puckers up for nearby human heads, entering what designers call its "love mode."

Link (Photo: Kim Kyung-hoon/Reuters) - Thanks Pam!

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Bullshit there are 0 awesome single girls out there. An awesome girl would actually want sex and ask for it on the internet. This never happens!

I'm going to make a proper robot gf one day because its the only way me and alot of other good guys are ever going to get laid. Then we dont have to put up with all this depressing misandrist commentary anymore.
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This reminds me of that skit on Robot Chicken where they're presenting this robot to a class or something and the only questions are "Can you f-ck it?"
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