Have you ever declared your undying love to someone by creating a mix tape?
Well, cassette tapes have gone the way of the dinosaurs, but home taping a compilation of songs is now easier than ever: with this USB Stick "Mix Tape" - it even comes with a faux cassette box.
Link - via The Fire Wire
Comments (15)
And $10 too expensive based on the $15.99 ThinkGeek price. 64MB for one hour is about right, if you're using 128k bitrate MP3s (yuck!)... 80 minutes at 160k is roughly 95MB. 128MB thumbdrives, minimum, if you're going to be selling it as a mix tape alternative.
I really like the template idea, so if I can make it work out, I may try it in the future for presentation and passing out promos of my work.
Technology's at a fun stage right now. So many inbetweens, but also so many different ways to do the same old idea of putting together our favourite tracks.
SamC has a great idea with the "template" idea and I think I'll give it a shot. I'll be sure to share it with Neatorama readers if it ends up looking nice. The trick is double sided printing. *groan*