21-leaf Clover Sets Record

Shigeo Obara, a farmer in Japan’s Iwate prefecture discovered a clover last week with an amazing 21 leaves! The current world record is an 18-leaf clover, which Obara himself grew in 2002.
Obara, a former food crop researcher, has been conducting independent research on clovers in his garden for over 50 years. He first became interested in clover mutations after discovering an unusual patch of 4-leaf clovers in 1951. Since then, Obara has been crossbreeding the plants in his garden to research the genes associated with leaf count, color, pattern and size.

Obara plans to file a new application with Guinness, although he is considering waiting a while. “We are likely to find clovers with more leaves,” he says. Last month, a family member claimed to have found a 27-leaf clover, but the discovery was not confirmed.


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My sister has been finding 4-leafed clovers in my yard for the last two summers. (She just seems to look down and there they are, but I had to *hunt* to find one myself. >_<) The other day she found a 5-leafed one. It is being pressed for posterity. :)
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yo whs up!! (ha ha) way to go farmer i just found 8 and i want luck and i want it now! but keep mutinatin' those clovers i might visit there so i can have some luck!:-)
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