10 Craziest Concept Cars

With the help of its readers, Jalopnik blog has a neat post about the top 10 craziest concept cars of all time. This one is the "Book of
Songs" electric car by Chinese car maker Tang Hua, and from the photo, the name isn't the only thing weird about it!


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First thing I thought was "what is he doing to that car?" Perhaps he's filling the tank.

Also, really mature comment, Scot. I think gay people have more taste than to be seen driving one of these abominations.
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This reminds me of 3 things: 1. The way I used to draw cars when I was in the 3rd grade. 2. The cars from "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?". 3. The cars from "The Grinch"
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The "Book of Songs" car looks like a big yellow shoe. As for the other cars on the website, I like to refer to such designs as "over-stylization". They are as ugly as sin and not as fun.
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