Obama Clinches the Democratic Nomination for President


Barack Obama and his wife Michelle Obama (Photo: vargas2040)

So, it has happened: a last-minute rush of Democratic superdelegates clinched Senator Barack Obama the party's nomination for President.

We don't typically post a lot of political posts on Neatorama (Adam Stanhope's occasional grenades notwithstanding - No, I'm not mad - actually, I'm quite tickled by some of his posts) ... but I want to know what you think about this historic moment.

From The New York Times:

“Tonight, we mark the end of one historic journey with the beginning of another — a journey that will bring a new and better day to America,” Mr. Obama told supporters at a rally in St. Paul.
“Because of you, tonight I can stand here and say that I will be the Democratic nominee for president of the United States of America.”

The floor is yours.

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I'm so confused at how he was so close with Wright, then denied any friendship with him, saying "he's just my pastor." If he'd said "I was close with him, but I can't agree with his ideologies" much earlier, I wouldn't be so suspicious. People say Wright hasn't said such terrible things. He's said some pretty bad ones himself, but look at who he associates with. He gave a lifetime achievement award (based on honesty and integrity) to Farrakhan, who said that Whites aren't fully evolved, and has associated himself with the man who said "The henhouse of America is filled with foul white birds waiting to be slaughtered."

Sounds fantastic to me (Italian/Greek/Irish/Welsh/Austrian)
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Ummm... Geekazoid... do you know anything about McCain's divorce from his first wife? They divorced quite amicably, and still talk. He came back from a POW camp in Vietnam a very changed man, and she accepted that. They have kids together and don't hate each other or anything. So the guy's divorced, that doesn't mean he was horrible to his first wife.

Also, what about him handling being a POW was disgraceful? The man was offered the chance to come back when he was first imprisoned, but turned it down when they wouldn't extend freedom to the other soldiers. He had all of his teeth knocked out in the camp, and was repeatedly tortured. How do you doubt that?

I'm sorry, I disagree with many of Obama's policies, and I hate how he's handled the Wright situation (oh God, don't get me started on Wright himself)... but really? Nitpicking at John McCain's POW status and former marriage? What is wrong with you?
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I see where you're coming from Adam, and in many cases I am the same way, but regardless of political affiliation and whatnot, I don't like McCain as a person either. I won't comment on how he treated his ex wife, but I will say that the way he handled the Vietnam P.O.W. issue is absolutely disgraceful. Not only that, but he runs on this platform of being a P.O.W. hero, yet there are doubts about his true experiences. His military record is less than stellar. Since that's his bread and butter he deserves extra attention on this very issue. And he can't even remember, or deliberately forgets, his stances on many issues including Iran. Don't forget that McCain is also a known hot head, showing flashes of nasty temper and extreme political incorrectness. Does America need a guy like this as a "leader?"
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