Burma's dangerous hip-hop scene

Who would have thought that Burma (aka Myanmar) has a hip-hop scene? I guess that little surprises me anymore. Hip-hop lends itself well to the voice of the discontent underclass almost regardless of where it rears its precious little head. It pleases me to hear that hip-hop is playing a role in the anti-Junta, pro-freedom discontent that is simmering just beneath the surface in the wake of the recent cyclone fallout. Video courtesy of Scott Bateman and Salon.com.

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"We make FOX News look fair and balanced" LOL

About Myanmar : the military rulers were communists (Burma Socialist Programme Party) up to 1988, when they got overthrown by other military rulers ; they switched 'Burma' to 'Myanmar', abandonned the path to socialism, and are now nowhere between corruption, drug traffic, human rights abuses, and, oh yes, a few rice crops...

A nice country indeed. but not Communist anymore.
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