Girl Scout Sold 17,328 Boxes of Cookies!

Meet Jennifer Sharpe, a 15-year-old girl scout who sold an astonishing 17,328 boxes of cookies by setting up shop on a street corner:

"Make a goal, and don't give up on it. Keep working for it, and one of these days, you'll hit it," she advised aspiring sellers.

"When I was in third grade, the top seller was 10,176. ... I turned to my mother and said, 'That's going to be me one day,' and it took me seven years," she said.

Jennifer, a fan of the Thin Mints, used a retail-inspired strategy. She set up shop in the parking lot of Cherry Hill Presbyterian Church in Dearborn. She manned that booth 3-7 p.m. Monday through Saturday. On Sundays, she sold cookies outside a local auto parts store from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Link (Photo: The Detroit Free-Press)

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As a troop leader of Daisies, Brownies, and Juniors in New Mexico, I really have to agree with "Tigergal39." This young lady... while I commend her desire to succeed... violated nearly every rule to GS Cookie Sales and Booth Sales that the Girls Scouts have set forth. She also ignored every edict in the Safety-Wise Handbook. She either has a lousy troop leader or simply a rebellious streak where winning is everything and teamwork is nothing. Pity that is NOT the Girl Scout way.
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I'm a Brownie Leader & this girl really violated cookie selling rules. One girl and one mom is NOT allowed to sell like that. You can come to appointed cookie booths (local council sets them up), and you get 2-3 a YEAR to go to. Extra cookies are signed out by TROOP, not girl & the troop is responsible to pay for them if they don't sell them.

If she set up a cookie booth by herself or with her mom, that really wasn't fair to the other girls. Safetywise (our rulebook that we must follow) indicates 2 parents and 2 girls at each cookie booth. All the girls at the sale share the number of cookies for their badge. Also, if she used the internet to sell cookies, she is in violation of the rules too. (I know the article doesn't say she did.)

There is no way she sold this many with her pre-orders, you sell WAY more when you have the cookies in hand to hungry shoppers. I don't mean to sound like sour grapes, but my kid could've sold a bunch more if I could have signed them out from the cookie cupboard violated Girl Scout rules by selling them at the church parking lot & other stores outside of the assigned cookie booths too.

Our troop went horseback riding with our cookie money & we also donated 80 boxes of cookies to "hometown heroes" police & fire fighters.
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