Why do Thousands of Toads Cross the Road?

Photo: Yangtse

There was a sight to be seen at a bridge in Taizhou, Jiangsu Province, China a couple of days ago: the migration of thousands of toads!

Thousands of toads were spotted at a bridge in Taizhou, Jiangsu province, China, on May 9. According to local expert, the toads were enduring a mass migration because of the depleting oxygen resource in a nearby river.

From the pic it seems like the chance of survival for the toads are not looking good on the road too…

Link - Thanks Jee!

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Looks like the most evolved animal is not so evolved after all. We couldn't detect and survive natural disasters, but the toads could sensed it. So much for the most intelligent creature on earth.
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I stayed in a condo in Naples, FL a few years ago. Came out one morning to find hundreds of frogs on the front wall. I almost cried from fear and disgust.
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