The Duggars Are Expecting Their 18th Baby

The Duggars, who already have 17 children, making them America's largest family, continues to embiggen. Michelle and Jim Bob have just announced that they're expecting a new baby on New Year's Day, January 1, 2009.

All of their children's names start with the letter "J," so Discovery Health is taking polls on what you think the name should be: Link

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i for one love the duggars, they are a remarkable family, 19 children and there all loved and cared for and well looked after, i have 14 children and i spend time with each one of them they dont want nor need for nothing, this world needs more larger families, more family unity and friendship! so before knocking down the duggars , take a good look at your own defects of characters! no ones perfect but all are loved!
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I cannot believe that so many here have both short memories and also so little flexability inside themselves to allow for the possibility that the Duggers are fine. My maternal grandparents had 11 children and my paternal grandparents had 13. My parents had 3. In fact none of my parents generation with in my family had over 5 children. Yet all of us are aware of the wealth our grandparents bestowed upon us in the form of a huge family. There was always someone to go to if you needed help and someone to talk with if you wanted and family reunions are a blast. You people here who are doing so much hating are really the sad ones. I truly feel sorry for you all in your inability to get past your fear of someone who is different than what you are used to. There is no need to demonize them out of your fear.
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Large families were fine in years gone by when the world had less people. Now it seems to be a little too 'self-indulging' to have so many children in today's world. Parents cannot possible give each child enough individual attention ... that is probably handed over to the elder children to look after and entertain the younger ones.
Probably the parents would be too busy locked in their room trying for child number umpteen.
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My Grandmother and Grandfather lived in Glidden, Iowa, and had 20 children, 12 boys and 8 girls,(all single births, no twins). My Dad was number 17. They all lived to celebrate my Grandparents 50th wedding anniversay. I have copies of their 25th, 35th and 50th anniversary family pictures. We celebrate with a family reunion every July, in Newell, Iowa.
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For all of you who had negative comments about this family. It is unbelievable how ignorant you are. You don't even know what you have lost by being indoctrinated by the socialistic constructs in our country. Families used to be more like this one. They learned how to be independent from society, the government or social programs. They used to have a rich legacy of cooperation and knowledge to personally pass on to their children, which they were able to do because they had large families with a family-centric approach.

YOU, on the other hand, were lured away from the farms by the promise of a shiny metallic future where you will never get bored. The education you people have received has succeeded in making you believe it is better for us all to think like individual units and contribute our efforts to some socialistic concept of a grand society where survival depends on the individual finding his place in the great machine. And if you have kids this requires you to be separate from them most of the time, thereby forcing you to trust someone else to raise them and teach them about life. Now both mother and father have to spend most of the time away from home and family just to make ends meet. You are plugged in to the machine but, you are so disconnected. You are so totally dependent on the system that if it broke down, you could not provide for your own survival through family cooperation in a family like The Duggars. Your ignorance is reveals itself in your comments that a large family would have to get financial help from somewhere else. You are not aware of any other way they could pull it off. You have no clue what could be accomplished by a large family in cooperation because you have been given a limited education which emphasizes dependence on societal systems instead of family structure. Your ignorance is paving the way to an Orwellian future. In a severe world crisis I would bet my money on this family over any of you who are dependent on conventional means.
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