Beautifully Dangerous (Dangerously Beautiful?) Staircase by Jordi Vayreda

Jordi Vayreda of Spanish design studio Jordivayreda Projectteam created this floating staircase for a client's home that looks awesome, but a little bit too dangerous for klutzy old me!

Link - via Apartment Therapy

Previously on Neatorama: Awesome Floating Staircases

Update 5/15/08: Jordi Vayreda told us the secret of his floating staircase (excuse the English, this is verbatim from Jordi's email - but I think you get the idea):

Because of the huge number of comments around the world about my floating staircase design I explain the mystery which people want to know.

First of all, this stairs goes to a small maintenance loft zone for climatic systems, there is another type of staircase to go to the bedroom zone. I design this type of staircase thinking in a sculptural solution because it is situated in front of the principal entrance of the house and we don’t want a collapsible staircase which some designers use for zones with difficult entries, we want something different.

This loft zone it’s 2,40 m height and combines wall and glass wall. Is there, between these two types of walls where I’ve done a width change that people can use like a handrail. It is not appreciated in a front view but you can notice it in a side view. This camouflage handrail will see you to the 1,20 m height which corresponds to the half of the staircase.

Steel is the material which we use to construct the staircases, 100 mm thick and each of them is welded to a 250 mm thick beam. The secret is putting reinforcements to prevent the inertias that can be generated and another one is lean the beam on two walls: the front wall and the lateral.

The staircase is 65 cm wide and it can support 200k, consequently we get the minimal flexion. To obtain the minimal vibrations too, we line the lateral walls with a carton plaster plaque.

This is the result of my floating staircase design.

More photos - Thanks Jordi!

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Beautiful design, but that's it. No person in his or her right mind would use stairs like that on a daily basis in their home. Yes, it looks more dangerous than it is, with the "hidden handrail wall", but it's still fucking dangerous. Ever slipped on "normal" stairs? Imagine what happens on this thing, halfway down. That's potentially lethal. Not to speak of kids, elderly or disabled people. Accidents are bound to happen with this thing.
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anyone with a little bit sense of mechanics will know that this is easily possible.

Everyone who thinks it isn't and is calling this photoshop is just another one who is better in law or farmership then engineering. Just keep it that way, and don't bother mechanics. Don't even bother discussing about the mechanics of such a stairs.
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Everyone asking the weight limits and talking about the no handrail crap needs to learn to READ THE ARTICLE before posting, he clearly states the weight limit (200k) and that there is a camouflage handrail to lead you halfway down.
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5 Seconds of google research supports that this is true, don't know why there were so many people doubting it.... Harness the power of the internet and research before you post....
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