Corporate Logos, Remixed

Waitaminute! Something ain't right here :) Well, Brazilian graphic artist Mario Amaya created a bunch of mashed-up logos of the world's largest corporations that look just
as great (and in some cases better) than the original things.

Take a look: Link - via Comunicadores, thanks Haendel Dantas!

Previously on Neatorama: Evolution of Tech and Car Logos

Comments (7)

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Hey! I'm the author of the logos. Thanks for the cool posting.
Not all visual puns will be readily recognizable, as brands such as Sam's Club or Unibanco don't exist in every country. Feel free to mail me with questions.
By the way of clarificaion, the S?NY logo was intended to read like Sony. But any unintended pun is welcome.
It seems that there only would have legal problems if someone attempted to register one of those logos as a commercial trademark, which surely ain't gonna happen as their original sources are too obvious.
To anyone who wants to make his/her own logo mashups: correct typography is 90% of the work.
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