This sign confuses me. Does it confuse you? Submitted to -via Geek Like Me
This sign confuses me. Does it confuse you? Submitted to -via Geek Like Me
Comments (12)
Of course if you do manage to find the right situation in which you can park there it may be moot if you go too far to the left of the signs
im not kidding. thats the sad part.
On Mondays 4pm to 11pm and then from 11:30pm to 7 am the next day.
So, starting on Sunday you can park there starting at 12am until 8 am. Then 8pm until 8 am Monday. Then 11-11:30 pm. Then 7am to 8am on Tuesday and then then rest of the week is free from 8pm to 8 am the next day.
Of course, this may not count on Sundays and Holidays. And then if it snows a certain amount that city probably has a schedule of plowing that includes odd and even numbered days.
In other words, this city hates you and your car.