So. How racist are you? That's the question asked by an online psychology test by the University of Chicago. The test involves showing you a series of photographs of 100 black or white men, either holding guns or cellphones. You have to decide - in a split second - whether to shoot them or to holster your gun.
Nicholas D. Kristof, a (white) columnist of The New York Times took the test. And discovered this:
I shot armed blacks in an average of 0.679 seconds, while I waited slightly longer — .694 seconds — to shoot armed whites. Conversely, I holstered my gun more quickly when encountering unarmed whites than unarmed blacks.
Take the test yourself and you’ll probably find that you show bias as well. Most whites and many blacks are more quick to shoot blacks, no matter how egalitarian they profess to be.
Eric L. Hinton of Diversity Inc, who is black, also took the test, and found out the same thing:
But what concerns me is that, armed or not, I "shot" Black targets faster than I shot white targets. I shot Black armed targets at an average of 0.631 seconds versus white armed targets at 0.662. Even more disturbing - I shot Black unarmed targets at an average of 0.783 seconds versus white unarmed targets at 0.792.
Fractions of seconds? Yes, but still unsettling when you consider the real life implications of armed police officers who make these life and death decisions in real life situations as they encounter Black men on the street.
So, how would you do? Just how racist are you? Take the test and find out!
(I did horribly on the test - I shot practically everyone, black or white! Then I got nervous, and got shot by everyone else!)
Comments (90)
i reacted to whites quicker, armed or not.
i like to think i'm not racist.
the confimation is weird.
does it mean anything?
I took the test with the intention of finding out if it would allow me to shoot people indiscriminately and to continue to do so.
So I pressed on the button rapid-fire. I never even saw any of the pictures of the people pop up, I only saw backgrounds. Yet it still stated that I waited longer for white people than for black people.
I tried it over again. Same result.
Now I started to wonder.
Third time... same.
Fourth time... same.
Fifth time... same.
I can buy it happening two or even three times in a row. But not five. This thing is rigged.
I stopped reading after the 10th comment or so, but I'm not sure this is a 100%, end-all, foolproof, scientifically accurate test of whether someone is racist or not...
Also, the only thing this showed to me is that my face really starts to itch when I cannot scratch it. :)