Brazilian priest takes to the air attached to helium party balloon, disappears

Brazilian priest Rev. Adelir Antonio de Carli embarked Sunday on a 465 mile journey across Brazil using thousands of helium party balloons to lift and transport him. Unfortunately, he was blown off course and his ground crew has lost track of him, not knowing whether he has landed safely somewhere or unsafely or if his journey through the sky continues. The video above from Brazil's Globo TV G1 television station shows the priest preparing for his flight, taking off and disappearing into an overcast sky. There are more videos (all in Portuguese) about the flight - and the subsequent search & rescue operation that is taking place now.

Update: Basically the same video [YouTube], but from the Associated Press with a voiceover in English.

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You can reallyyyyy see what this world is made of on these lovely words typed wight next to my own ,in the end of the day for all you haters this father tried to do something for a good cause ,why so much hate guys ,honest ?do you feel GREAT and think you done something for humanity for spreading your stupid animal hate?? Anyway God save him !!

PS Instead of bad mouthing him why dont you lot tried to do something good ??Instead of being the hater couch potatoes that you all are
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People, people! Nobody ever said that the Rapture was going to be quick!

They are taking them one at a time on balloon chairs. This is just the beginning. When the Rapture gets fired up, the sun will be blotted out by balloon chairs!
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