How To Break Down a Door

The Art of Manliness blog has a post about How to Break Down a Door ... Here it is, just in case you need to (like a burning building or something like that):

Now, from my experience, it's virtually impossible to kick open a properly installed exterior door with deadbolt locks and heavy duty hinges. If the door and frames are metal, it is impossible to kick open.

Link - via The Evangelical Outpost

Whatever you do, just don't do it like this:

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Where was this teams Lockaid lock release gun? How about the department battering ram. This jackass gave who ever was in there a nice two minute head start.
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In my experience the mule kick just makes you look dumb. Metal frames can actually be a little easier to kick open, each jamb is pressed from one sheet of steel, it's not solid. All you have to do is bend the jamb enough for the bolt to slip out of the strike plate. If the frame is wood you actually have to force the bolt through the jamb. If you want to actually break down the door, it's not impossible for a full grown man with a good head of steam to take the entire door and frame out of the wall in one piece. My brother did that once.
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