Hina Aoyama's Cut Paper Art


Hina Aoyama has got hands as steady as those of the world's best surgeons. Except she uses hers to make intricate cut paper art, like these below:

Lettre de Voltaire by Hina Aoyama. Photo: Masajiart.gr.jp

Trois Papillon by Hina Aoyama [Flickr]

Links: Hina Aoyama's website (in Japanese) | Flickr photoset | YouTube - via mein inspiration

Previously on Neatorama: Origamic Architecture | Richard Sweeney's Paper Sculptures | Kako Ueda's Cut Paper Art | Peter Callesen's Artwork

Comments (16)

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Oh, my... First of all, to be able to write the beautiful calligraphy; second to cut out the paper and leave the letters. That is truly amazing.

No, it's not Photoshopped, and no, it's not laser-cut. Some people are artists, and really do go to the trouble of doing this. I'ts done by hand, and that's what makes it so valuable. And the people who think it's machine-made can't understand the value of it; thus, the artist probably has a day job to keep herself in luxuries like food and clothes and housing.

"Artists are society's most important and valuable people. They help to direct society into new realms of possibilities."
- Neil Schell
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@ A: I didn't think u could laser cut paper without burning it... ah but what do I know =\

Though I do believe she can cut such delicate designs with scissors (or maybe a paper scalpel?). Fantastic work I think! =D
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Lol @ DrJones- I love how there's always someone that has to claim it's photoshopped... I mean really now, how about things like old churches that have been carved out of stone. Were those 'shopped'? Most have amazing intricate detailed carvings that were all done by hand. When you have the skill, time and patience to make something beautiful you can make anything.
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