The Praying Dog

Meet Conan, the praying dog:

At a Zen Buddhist temple in southern Japan, even the dog prays. Mimicking his master, priest Joei Yoshikuni, a 1 1/2-year-old black-and-white Chihuahua named Conan joins in the daily prayers at Naha's Shuri Kannondo
temple, sitting up on his hind legs and putting his front paws together before the altar. [...]

"I think he saw me doing it all the time and got the idea to do it, too," Yoshikuni said.

The priest is now trying to teach him how to meditate.

Well, sort of.

"Basically, I am just trying to get him to sit still while I meditate," he explained. "It's not like we can make him cross his legs."

What do you think the dog is praying for? Link (Photo: Itsuo Inouye / AP) - Thanks Geekazoid!

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that is either an alaskan klee kai, or just an odd camera angle that makes that dog look oddly huge... and well, i am pretty sure it is a chihuahua hah
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