Lacey Henderson’s right leg was amputated when she was nine years old due to a tumor in her kneecap. But at her mother’s suggestion, she tried out to become a cheerleader in high school. Not only did she make the team, but she worked her way up to captain! Now she’s 18 and cheers for the University of Denver.
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She says sometimes she blends in and people don't even notice her leg. Of course, the stickers on the side usually give it away.
"Sometimes you just have to own having one leg and you can't be afraid to show it," she said. "My parents would get so mad at me and say 'Lacey, it looks just like a tattoo!'"
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Comments (5)
/Wouldn't that be wild?
//The one-armed basketball player is great, BTW. He had 20 blocked shots in one game!