Whole Shrimp Cheese Pizza

Oooh, Pizza Hut USA so got nothin' on this! Behold the whole shrimp cheese bite pizza, created by the pizza chain's counterpart in Japan and south Korea:

For the pizza lover who also craves shrimp and cheese wrapped in dough, Pizza Hut has created the Whole Shrimp Cheese Bite. Because nothing gets the stomach juices flowing quite as well as a ring of shrimp with tails dangling in the air and heads swaddled in tubes of cheese-stuffed dough.

Just one of 10 crazy Asian Pizza Crusts, compiled lovingly over at Slice blog: Link - Thanks raphael!

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Good lord, is that kosher? When will Pizza Hut and Domino's learn to stick to the basics. Pizza is already extremely customizable. You have to rely on novelty when your pizza really isn't that good.
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10 years ago I audited a small company in the countryside. There was nothing to eat there but Pizza Hut delivery, so we ate Pizza Hut for a week. The place we audited had a weekly janitorial service, so our room was filling with greasy boxes and nauseating smell...
I've never bought Pizza Hut since.
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I'm all about trying new foods. I just wish Pizza Hut here in Canada would do something just as insane as mayonnaise filled pizza or the potatoe ones. Of course, I would hope that I could burn off the amount of calories that would be packed in these babies. Yowzah!
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