This is something I never thought about before, but there are many ways to count cash. People in different parts of the world use somewhat different styles. How do YOU count your cash? -via the Presurfer
This is something I never thought about before, but there are many ways to count cash. People in different parts of the world use somewhat different styles. How do YOU count your cash? -via the Presurfer
Comments (38)
Then again, the Chinese in general make Americans look like they are moving in slow motion whenever performing repetative tasks. Our airlines need to send their flight attendants to train in China, because the flight attendants in China make the flight attendants on US airlines look pathetic.
I have no idea.
My theories were:
-how dirty the money was
-how old the money was
-they wanted you to see and count it with them
-the physical size of the money ie dimension in the hand
-how many notes make up a useful amount of money to buy something
-whether they thought you were slipping a dud, recalled or counterfeit note in
As an aside: I always collected the cheapest paper note I could from each country I went to for keepssakes. I ended up with so many that I created some montages for my house. The bestest, pridest superest note of place right in the center of the thing?
Of course Goofy on the 5 dollar note from Disneyworld
Also, In soviet russia, money counts you. It had to be said.
Thanks for taking the bait.