Photo: mleak [Flickr]
Photo: mleak [Flickr]
Carnegie Mellon University art student and Flickr user mleak is working on a project called From Whence It Came which involves etching processed lunch meat with a laser cutter:
These are my testers for a project I'm working on using processed lunch meats etched with a laser cutter. Ultimately, I would like to show the entire process from animal to ambiguous pink slice of meat over the course of a package of lunch meat, beginning here with bologna. This neat packaged disc of food has always seemed so far removed from its source.
Link [Flickr] - via Make, thanks Adam Fuhrer!
Oh, and that's not all: in her Atkins Nightmare project, mleak set out to create an all-carb sandwich complete with laser-etched fixings!
Photo: mleak [Flickr]
Comments (6)
funny but disgusting!!
Bologna!!! tze!
you don't know what is bologna!
I hope someone translate it for you.
Atleast you won't be confused.
I saw a guy who tried it on his nail which was pretty interesting too.