Meet the AA12, the world's first (and scariest) automatic shotgun, built by Jerry Baber of MPS.
From Discovery Channel's FutureWeapons:
It's a gun that could end up rewriting the rules of urban warfare. I'd like to introduce you to the shotgun for the 21st century, the AA 12. The Auto Assault 12 is a fully automatic, gas operated, low recoil, 12 gauge shotgun designed specifically for the military. One blast from the shotgun is terrifying enough, but the AA12 delivers an incredible rate of nearly 300 rounds a minute.
Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] - Thanks Adam Fuhrer!
Comments (48)
species and so we will never live in peace with each other so I am quite thankful to the sadistic bastard that made this for my government! Oh and during the creation of this weapon I will guarantee that at least one civilian technology was created or enhanced from this project. Think about it.
I can see your point about devoting technology to killing people, but the reality of life is people will threaten our interests, and we have to defend those interests. As the way wars are fought changes, this weapon meets a real need in modern urban warfare better than any other weapon. It is a "technology to kill or hurt people", but I've seen enough of the World (in person, not just what's shown on TV) to know that sometimes you have to hurt people to protect others.
I hope against hopes that discovery channel put ethics and the prospect of actual human beings getting peppered somewhere in that program..
Sir, I have no problem with appropriate armed response in the right circumstances, but I still see this video as nothing more than a cheap promo, shot with low-fi porm movie production values, breathlessly marketing new ways of killing people to an audience of knuckle heads attuned to the normalising of brutality for the sake of entertainment.
As to what would happen were I ever to be attacked by wild eyed terrorists, the chances are that I would die.
And that's the real tragedy.
Of course I would appreciate any weapon that gives me an edge over any opponent, especially one who seeks to kill me. But self defense is not the issue. The real lament of many, not just "leftists" or "liberals" (which are such vague terms as to not define or identify anyone), is that such great innovations and human effort are being put into the development of weaponry; while the real roots of the problems and disease of violent conflict remain unaddressed.
As for you scenario about "peace-niks" being attacked by terrorists in a terrorist type attack, and then later being beheaded. I still find it a bit vague. What do you mean by a terrorist? what precisely do you mean by a terrorist type attack? do you mean one meant to cause terror? or merely any attack against what you perceive to be your allies? Not all militant groups resort to beheading so are you refering only to middle-eastern radicalist groups?
I think you need to be more clear, the situation might be more complicated than you believe.