This is the post I've been waiting for: the 12,345th post on Neatorama! Yup - that's twelve thousand three hundred and forty five. It took about 2 and a half years to reach this point and what a great time I've had since starting this blog back in August 2005 (Big thanks to Neatorama's authors and readers!)
Thers is something I've been wanting to do, but out of fear that no one will participate, I've postponed it again and again, until today (feeling giddy and brave with #12345!)
I'd really like to know more about you, dear Neatoramanauts! Whether you're a regular commenter or just a "lurker" - please introduce yourself. You don't have to tell your real name, or offer salacious tidbits about your personal life ... just tell us a little bit about yourself. It'll be fun!
I'll go first (in the comment).
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