Mandelbrot Fractal Art Contest

Spiral Fantasy by Alfred Laing

Fractals are so purty! Here are the winners of the 2007 Second International Benoit Mandelbrot Fractal Art Contest, which was named after the Father of Fractal Geometry himself: Link - Thanks Jon Jason!

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Mandelbrots on a 8086 circa '88. L Systems and even some home made recursions. (I still have a fondness for hypotrochoids.) Waaaaaaay sloooooooowww. But irresistibly fascinating.

How many hours did I spend waiting for the next pixel? I don't even want to think about.

And today I can make images like this while I go bleed the lizard.

Ain't tech wonderful? See how it provides tools for imagination and curiosity.

Happy Monkey!
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Beautiful image:) I am totally fascinated by fractals, in fact my blog name is derived from fractals, the intricacies, and it broadens your views at the same time...

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