Bizarro: Politically Correct Christmas


Ah, Dan Piraro really got me goin' with his Bizarro comic making fun of the political correctness-gone mad this Christmas.

In the United Kingdom, there were reports of school scrapping nativity plays and local community councils renaming Christmas "Winterval". The secularization of Christmas had gotten so ridiculous that recently, even the Hindus, Sikhs, Muslims and the Human Rights Commission in United Kingdom said enough is enough:

Muslim leaders joined Britain's equality watchdog Monday in urging Britons to enjoy Christmas without worrying about offending non-Christians.

"It's time to stop being daft about Christmas. It's fine to celebrate and it's fine for Christ to be star of the show," said Trevor Phillips, chairman of the Equality and Human Rights Commission.

Mr. Phillips, reflecting on media reports of schools scrapping nativity plays and local councils celebrating "Winterval" instead of Christmas, worried the unintended consequences of secularizing the holiday would "fuel community tension."

So he joined forces with minority religious leaders to put out a blunt message to the politically correct: leave Christmas alone.

Links: Christian Science Monitor article | Dan Piraro's website: Bizarro

(In other news, it is rumored that Britney Spears is starring as Mary in a bizarre satire film called "Sweet Baby Jesus." Not as Mary Magdalene, but as the Virgin Mary. Sigh.)

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There was a Winterval. Once. in 1998.

And the Daily Mail bang out the same story about it every year, about how the multi-cultural PC lefties are ruining Christmas for right-minded bigots everywhere.
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Well said Pol X and others, there is no "War on Christmas" but the war that every happy little consumer wages themselves by making December the biggest shopping month of the year. Not that I am anything but complicit. I love Christmas.

I'm 30 and the last Christmas play I was in (in primary school) was "Jack and the Beanstalk". Nothing religious there and I went to a church school. I believe I played a horse but I forget now. Besides, if people really want to keep Christmas traditional, shouldn't we be celebrating the Pagan holiday that it subsumed?

But please people, unless you want to sound like the Daily Hate stop using the phrase "Political Correctness Gone Mad" in cold blood.

BTW, I would just like to correct reid and anyone else who thinks Coca-cola is behind our image of Santa. He has been drawn that way since at least 1863. Snopes:
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This Winterval thing is crap invented by the press.

"Political correctness gone mad!" is usually said by people who wan't to be able to be free to call black people n*gger.

There have never been any Wintervals, nor any instance of councils in PC areas having all the bin liners blue to remove the racial negative conotations of a BLACK bin liner.

Nor the EU saying bananas have to be straight.

It is all just hokum spun by the right wing.
A carefully manicured charade to alow the white wealthy west to feel put upon.
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holy christ, christmas has devolved into a capitalist festival. even our modern image of santa was created by the coca cola corporation in the 1920s.

i'm an atheist; we don't care about getting rid of christmas. you guys do a pretty damn good job of secularizing it on your own anyway.
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I'm an Atheist as well, and I'm not bothered by Christmas in the least. I rather enjoy it. And I'm always confused by people who declare that there's a war on Christmas because Christmas as we know it has...well, nothing to do with the Christian holiday.

Unless Santa really did tell Mrs. Frosty she was going to have a baby reindeer named Rudolph under a pine tree. And Geoffery the Giraffe, Mario and Master Chief came to visit little Rudolph, guided by his bright nose.
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