The Front Fell Off

In light of the recent oil spill in San Francisco bay, here's a very funny 1991 episode The Front Fell Off by John Clarke and Fred Dagg Brian Dawe, which made fun of a similar incident in Australia. In the clip, Clarke played the role of a Senator being interviewed regarding the oil tanker Kirki incident (yes, about the tanker's front falling off). Classic!

Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] - via Carsons Post, thanks Aaron! | More shenanigans at John Clarke's official website

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Check out the link from about this issue. It is in fact 2 Australian comedians (John Clarke and Brian Dawe) discussing this topic and not a news reader interviewing a real Australian Senator going by the name of Senator Collins. The link is Surely you don't think us aussies are THIS stupid. This is a comedy interview, NOT a real one.

These 2 guys are famous comedians for the ABC here in Australia, and are on every Friday night. They pretend to be politicians and do gags such as this every week. They are a very funny pair.
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Fred Dagg IS John Clarke - it's the name of one of his characters. The other guy is Brian Dawe - they regularly do mock interviews together as the 7.56 report (it's on once a week on the 7.30 report on the ABC (the Australian version)).
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