Lakshmi Stable After Surgery

To followup the story from Monday, The Hindustan Times reports that surgeons have completed the surgery to remove two-year-old Lakshmi Tatma’s parasitic twin, and she is in stable condition.
"Lakshmi is doing fine and her condition is stable," Chief Coordinator of Sparsh Hospital, Dr Mamata Patil told PTI.

The next 48 to 72 hours are critical and a team of doctors will monitor Lakshmi, who is put on ventilators in the Intensive Care Unit, she said.

The surgery lasted 27 hours and involved 36 doctors.

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Does anyone else think that the use of pictures of Vishnu alongside this story is a touch inapprorpriate, bordering on offensive? This little girl is not some kind of miraculous, fortunate recipient of the divine gift of extra limbs.
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I read another story, the link I cannot find now, about the beginning of the surgery. Lakshmi's parents were encouraging and stoic until the anaesthesia took effect, then her mama broke down in hysterics. That had to be so very frightening, but she had put on a happy face for the baby's sake.
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