Violent Combat Robots: a Saturday Morning Cartoon Mashup

Tim Maloney mashed up (re-wrote? dubbed over?) a classic 90's saturday morning cartoon Exosquad into this: VIOLENT COMBAT ROBOTS, a team of intrepid spacement who use the power of science to lay waste to everyone on the planet!

Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] - Thanks Terry O.!

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Y'know, a part of me wants to bitch about someone criticizing a cartoon like Exosquad that dealt with a lot of really adult issues like slavery, poverty, and socialism in a fantasy setting. Just because it is done so rarely these days.

On the other hand, I distinctly remember watching it as a kid and thinking, "Holy Crap this is violent" as a character unloaded a chaingun into a mech that had crashed into the ground. The pilot did not eject to safety.
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A surprisingly intelligent commentary on how violence is allowed to be shown to children as long as it's faked with "lasers" instead of bullets and "breaking machinery" instead of killing life.

Also it was funny.

Very NEAT.

Hey, have you thought about looking into a way for readers to rank how NEAT a post is?
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(Paul Simon)
Allergies to dust and grain
Still these allergies remain
My hand can't touch a guitar string
My fingers just burn and ache
My head intercedes with my bodily needs
And my body won't give it a break
My heart can stand a disaster
My heart can take a disgrace
But my heart is allergic
To the women I love
And it's changing the shape of my face
Something's living on my skin
Doctor please
Doctor please
Open up it's me again
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