Musicians make music videos to popularize their albums, so why not authors? Well, that's exactly what author Douglas Coupland is doing for his new novel The Gum Thief:
“The book’s structure lent itself to this approach. The narrative is basically divided into the journal entries of Roger, a 40-ish stationery store employee, the correspondence of Bethany, his 20-something co-worker, and Glove Pond, the novel-within-a-novel that Roger is writing. We wanted to do a series of short pieces focusing on the text of the novel. No attempt at a cheesy dramatization, no author interview, just the text and Doug’s deadpan narration. We also felt that each stream should feel like it had been done by the characters themselves.”
Though he's not the first to do so, viral advertising (of anything, really) is increasingly becoming the trend of the future.
Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] | A more in-depth write-up at Creative Review Blog, Thanks Patrick Burgoyne!
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