The Swastikas Hockey Team


That's The Swastikas, a Canadian girls' hockey team from Edmonton circa 1916. Before it became associated with the Nazis, swastikas had been used for hundreds of years as a symbol of good luck and prosperity:

For many millenia, before it was appropriated by the Nazis, the swastika was a symbol of good luck and prosperity. Almost every race, religion and continent honored the swastika -- a perfect example of the universal spread of a symbol thru the collective unconscious used by American Indians, Hindus, Buddhists, Vikings, Greeks, Romans, Celts, Anglo-Saxons, Mayans, Aztecs, Persians, Christians, and neolithic tribes. There are even Jewish swastikas found in ancient synagogues side-by-side with the star of David!

The swastika was associated with the hammer of Thor which returned to him like a boomerang, the footprints of Buddha, the emblem of Shiva, Apollo, Jupiter, and even Jesus Christ! The swastika was the first Christian symbol and is found in the catacombs in Rome. Hindus and Buddhists to this day still revere the swastika as their sacred sign. Jains make the sign of the swastika similar to the Christian sign of the cross.

In the early part of the twentieth century Rudyard Kipling used the swastika as his coat-of-arms, Coca Cola made a swastika-shaped lucky watch fob,American pilots used it on their planes when they fought for the French in World War One, it was the symbol for the Ladies Home Journal sponsored Girls' Club and the Boy Scouts. A town in Ontario was named Swastika in 1911 because of a lucky gold strike.

Gentle Swastika at has a large collection of such swastikas:

Previously on Neatorama: "I am Not a Nazi" Swastika | Swastika Town Refused to Change Name

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yeah to bad the Nazi's had to go ruin it for everyone else. I get sent home and suspended from high-school all the time just for drawing them. Sucks to have a mega liberal school.
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Reminded me of this story, about a US-military swastika-shaped building. Oops.,0,2973328.story?coll=la-home-center
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