Eric Montanez, a 22-year-old activist, is on trial ... for feeding the homeless in downtown Orlando, Florida!
It's the first trial of its kind. A man is facing a judge and jury for violating Orlando's ban on feeding the homeless. Eric Montanez, 22, was caught feeding a group in Lake Eola Park earlier this year. The prosecution told Eyewitness News their case rests on video taken of Montanez feeding the homeless, breaking Orlando's feeding ban. [...]
Montanez and the group he's involved with, Food Not Bombs, returned to Lake Eola just after sunrise to once again violate the ordinance that has him on trial. Food Not Bombs volunteers served breakfast to about 100 Montanez supporters, most of them homeless. They will serve breakfast, lunch and dinner during what they're calling a three-day "ladle fest," not a protest.
Link (with video)
Straigh talk from your mother.
You have been amusing. However I've more important things on my agenda. Again, re-read everything on these comments and figure out why you are such a schmuck. Because you have reacted adversely to everything I've said.
You are by far the most easily led idiot I've baited thus far.
Bye bye Sid. See you in the soup line after the next Katrina.
Mortgage? What mortgage? Dude, you really must think I am someone else, because you keep coming up with very specific personal details about my life that are wrong... completely out there in fact (like me living with my mom). Are you going to tell me you hate the color of my Green Honda (which I don't own) next? Or that my beagle (which I don't have) barks too loudly? You are even sure you know my political affiliation and you've screwed that up as well. In fact I am completely independent. Yes, I do frequently vote Republican (but often Libertarian) for national elections. In local elections, though, I almost always vote (gasp) Democrat. Cold reading is not your forte, my friend :-)
Please relax a little... Maybe sit back with a cold 40 oz malt liquor or two. You get very irate very easily.
Pax teum.
You don't read very well do you. If you read my first and second post you would have read that I moved to Jacksonville, on my feet, and am in fine shape.
Also I stated that I'm disabled and only ended up on the street for a very short time.
In that short time I met many shallow types like yourself who put labels on others. Sort of judging a book by it's cover.
We all here have read the book you just wrote and can see what type of person you are. Sad, sad that republicans like yourself have control of this nation. Sad, because your type seems to control the cash flow of this nation. But that is soon to change. The world despises this nation and you give the perfect example as to why. Politically we as a nation all think like you. Or at least the controlling party does.
And like yourself, losing control of yourself over what other people do and think, that's about to change.
Re-evaluate your values Sid. Karma is a total bitch, and yours will bite you in the ass.
Some day some one will see you on the street and I hope they all treat you like the "feral" uncontrolled thinker that you are as well as the way you treat others.
Oh, and about your house of 12 years: the bank owns it buckwheat, and will for the next 20 odd years. Only the mortgage is in your name, and clear title on it won't be in yours until you pay off the mortgage. A natural disaster would put you in the street. And guess what? The bank will still make you pay up, regardless if the house was demolished in the disaster.
Think hard about what you say to others. And as far as the guy grabbing news media for his cause, you just used this blog as yours. You just whored yourself out for a much less important cause: your own personal opinion.
Have a nice life Sid.
P.S. I'm never angry, it's counter productive and down right the sign of a small I.Q. Like you with your "I'm right, every one else is wrong" attitude.