Devil's Rope Barbed Wire Museum

Neatorama reader Rich B. is on the 87th day of his Great American Roadtrip when he saw this: Devil's Rope Museum in McLean, Texas. The museum is dedicated to everything barbed wire: Link - Thanks Rich!

Previously on Neatorama: Barbed Wire Hat (also from the same museum)

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You know, that seems like such a silly and strange thing to have an entire museum for, but I bet it's quite interesting nevertheless. It's sort of cool how -fascinating- a subject can be when it's presented by someone who really cares about it. I attended a 'rice exhibit' at a museum this summer and was actually surprised at how genuinely interesting it was - from the low-fi but highly clever techniques folks have come up with to successfully cultivate and process it, to the cultural significance it's borne in so many societies - there was a whole heck of a lot on the subject that was interesting to a degree I certainly hadn't expected.

Everything is secretly amazing; how marvelous is -that-? =)
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There is a barbed wire museum in LaCrosse, Kansas as well. I visited it once, when I was working in television in Hays, near LaCrosse.

Here's their web site:
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