October 8th is (unofficially) International Cephalopod Awareness Day!
Ceph·a·lo·pods are marine mollusks like squid, octopus and cuttlefish, characterized by well-developed eyes and sucker-bearing tentacles. The word is from the combination of the Greek kefale and pous, roughly meaning head feet. Some folks pronouce it sefalopod, others say kefalopod.
Take this opportunity to hug an octopus. If there are no octopi or squid near you, may I suggest perusing Pink Tentacle or Ectoplasmosis? Both blogs are very cephalopod-friendly. There are links to many other cephalopod sites at Cephalopodcast. Link -via J-Walk Blog
Now Cthulhu, on the other hand, is a prime example of your garden-variety, run-of-the-mill cephalopod-cephalic Great Old One. And looks good in a pinstripe suit, to boot!
OK, maybe that last part is an exaggeration... ;-)
The Apotheosis Saga rocks, and you get fun bad guys like Nyarlathotep, who is sort of a cephalopod.