Here's a (tripod!) website with tons of funny quotes of Batman lecturing Robin, as seen in the 1960's Adam West Batman TV series. For example:
Batman: "Better put 5 cents in the meter."
Robin: "No policeman's going to give the Batmobile a ticket."
Batman: "This money goes to building better roads. We all must do our part."Robin: "Holy molars! Am I ever glad I take good care of my teeth!"
Batman: "True. You owe your life to dental hygiene."Robin: "You can't get away from Batman that easy!"
Batman: "Easily."
Robin: "Easily."
Batman: "Good grammar is essential, Robin."
Robin: "Thank you."
Batman: "You're welcome."
Priceless! Link - via Say No to Crack
Comments (7)
Thought you cats might dig this video and cover version...
My sister loves old batman and I tirelessly make tease her about it's corn factor.